Back Ordered: Gemstone Heart Bracelet

Back Ordered: Gemstone Heart Bracelet

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These bracelets feature heart-shaped gemstones strung on a durable, elasticized band for a comfortable, one-size-fits-all design. Combining the elegance of precious stones like Carnelian, Tiger Eye, and Rose Quartz with the grounding influence of Black Onyx and Hematite, these bracelets are perfect for both fashion and spiritual enrichment.

* Elasticized

Black Onyx: Strength, grounding, negative energy absorption.
Hematite: Grounding, protective, focus enhancement.

Choose your heart stone:
Carnelian: Creativity, courage, motivation boost.
Tiger Eye: Balance, clarity, psychic enhancement.
Rose Quartz: Love, healing, self-acceptance.
Black Obsidian: Psychic protection, grounding, detoxification.
Green Aventurine: Luck, opportunity, creativity.

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