Pendulum Experience

I have been getting the pull to share my experience with Pendulums. It has been a journey.

The traditional definition of a Pendulum as Merriam Webster states:
1. a body suspended from a fixed point so as to swing freely to and fro under the action of gravity and commonly used to regulate movements (as of clockwork)
2. something (such as a state of affairs) that alternates between opposites. Ex: doesn't take much to swing the pendulum of opinion the other way

In the Metaphysical sense all of the above applies to the usage of the Pendulum in the way energy workers use this in their practices.

The best way for me to explain the uses is through personal experiences. Back in the day, (my early 20’s) I visited my first Metaphysical store in Honolulu. I had no formal experience in the energy work and certainly never heard of a Pendulum. But as I drove past this store on my way to work, at every pass I would look at the store. I felt this urge inside of me saying you need to take a look. Back in those days I thought those were my generated thoughts rather than receiving a message.

It was early on a Saturday morning that I ventured to this store of intrigue. Try as I might, I can’t recall the name of this store and sadly this store no longer exists. As I reflect, I went into this store and marveled at tables of crystals and gifts. This space seemed large to me; however, the reality was that it was a very tiny store. I bypassed all of those wonderful crystals and gifts and was compelled to walk towards the back of the store to a plain bookshelf with hanging trinkets. I giggle as think of this moment, I went straight to the Pendulums. 

It was your typical bookshelf, nothing fancy. Each shelf had a carved-out portion for each pendulum to hang. There must have been at least 10 Pendulums per shelf if not more. I stood there and admired them. Suddenly, two Pendulums on two different shelves started moving on their own. Untrained other than hearing ghost stories from the ancestors I froze thinking Spirits are here and I am scared! A kind woman sitting at a desk a few feet away spoke with an angelic voice and said "It’s ok they just want to go home with you."

What?! The Spirits want to go home with me?? Based on my exposure to Spirits I thought "Oh no way". This wonderful angelic woman then said, "Isn’t this why you are here? Because you felt a need to come here?" Speechless, I nodded my head. She then said to me "Why don’t you bring those Pendulums that are moving over here and I will help you determine who should go home with you." Closing my eyes for a brief moment (to relax myself) I took both Pendulums to her. She asked my name, held each Pendulum, and then asked "Do you want to go home with Patty?" The Pendulum moved in exaggerated large circles. Both Pendulums very different in the way they looked - one, a Dyed Turquoise point and the other, a Quartz Merkaba - did the same exact movement. Still sort of scared, sort of excited, sort of thinking nothing jump on me please I asked this woman "What does this mean?" She said, "Well, they both want to go home with you equally." At this point I am overwhelmed and figured I should buy them both so that everyone is happy. I kept them in my jewelry box and would look at them from time to time never to use them for the next 27 years. Always in my jewelry box, they moved with me from Hawaii to Kentucky, to California, to Kansas and back to Kentucky.

Fast forwarding to my major shift in 2012, my husband and I went through a very difficult divorce which prompted me to go into hiding in Kansas and later back to Kentucky. Upon returning to Kentucky, I met a friend for lunch and she said "Why don’t you see a friend of mine that does Reiki, this will help your stress." (as I was going through my divorce at this time). This was an experience like no other. This is where I was reintroduced to the Pendulum. She brought out her Pendulum and this swung with vigor over my body. It was after this session that the voice was loud and clear, I need to do this work. It was after my Level II attunement of Reiki that I picked up the pendulums that have been sitting in my jewelry box. We have come a long way together.

Today, these pendulums are now out of my jewelry box and make their way in and out of my healing room. Each have a personality of their own and determine when they should be used.


Here are some simple steps to get started:

  1. Bond with your Pendulum. I would recommend meditating with your Pendulum for a week or two. Feel the energy, allow the Pendulum to feel your energy. It is recommended that all work be done in Sacred Space.
  1. With your arm on a stable surface or elbow close to your body let the Pendulum dangle from your fingers and notice what the Pendulum does. There will be movement of some type even if it is slight.
  1. Start asking your Pendulum to show you the 3 positions:
    • Show me “yes”.
    • Show me “no”.
    • Show me “maybe” or “unknown” or “undetermined at this time”.
  1. At this point you are ready to ask your Pendulum a question and I would suggest starting with a question you know such as, is my name (use your name)?
  1. You can then ask your Pendulum your question. Please keep the question to one of the position answers in step 3 or their will be most likely be confusion in the answer.

There are many other ways to use the Pendulum. Advanced techniques are taught in my energy work classes. I would recommend finding a teacher that resonates with you to learn from.


  • I would recommend to only ask questions for yourself as this keeps you within informational integrity. You could also ask in a way that includes another person, but only for the part that applies to you. This way you are not encroaching on someone’s personal information without permission.
  • Regularly check the 3 positions. Energy fluctuates and Pendulum work is no exception. From time to time, I have had my 3 positions change for myself and when asked to work on others.
  • Use the known question method in between your Pendulum questions.
  • When using the Pendulum, remember that the answer is for this moment in time based on other’s and your free will. Free will is our given right.
  • The material of your Pendulum also carries the energy of that material and will enhance your experience.

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