EIH Exclusive Essential Oil Blend
EIH Exclusive Essential Oil Blend
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EIH Exclusive Essential Oil Blend

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Exclusive scent made specially for Energetically In Harmony

5 ml bottle - Benefit: keeps you in balance

“I regularly call in Spiritual Guidance while in meditation. During a recent meditation, I received the message to create an essential oil specifically for EIH - a blend that would promote all-around balance and would translate to being “Energetically In Harmony”. Sage’s Botanicals - a neighboring business in Louisville that also works by guidance - formulated three samples to help us achieve this goal. However, as I sat in meditation with the three blends, there was no clear winner. I felt connected to all three - in fact as I held some of the bottles for a photograph, they glowed a brilliant green - even though the sun from the nearby window should not have impacted this event! As I used these blends over the course of the following days, I noticed that situations of intensity were not affecting me. On one particularly intense day, I received more guidance: The reason why I could not pick one of the three samples is because all three represent the work of balance that EIH does and therefore all three scents need to be used as the Energetically in Harmony essential oil blend.”
- Patty Matsumoto

This blend is representative of all elements: Earth, Air, Water and Fire. It is made of:

  • Palmarosa
  • Frankincense
  • Myrrh
  • Wild Orange
  • Lavender, French High Altitude
  • Petitgrain
  • Copaiba
  • Vetiver
  • Bergamot
  • Lemon
  • Spruce
  • Peppermint

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