Tiger Eye Hematite Black Obsidian Adjustable Bracelet

Tiger Eye Hematite Black Obsidian Adjustable Bracelet

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8mm adjustable

Tiger Eye is a protective stone that can also bring good luck to the wearer. It helps focus the mind and promotes mental clarity, aiding in objective problem-solving without emotional interference. This stone is especially beneficial for healing psychosomatic illnesses and dispelling fear and anxiety, promoting a balanced and harmonious state.

Hematite has very strong grounding energy; you can feel that just by holding the stone in your hand. It also has a cooling and calming effect, as well as helps develop concentration and focus. Overall, hematite brings a quality of energy that is powerful, strong, and grounding. Absorbs negative energy and brings calm in stressful times. 

Enhance the truth with Black Obsidian. As a powerful protector, it creates a barrier against negativity and shields from psychic attacks. This stone absorbs negative energies from the surroundings and releases mental stress and tension. Its properties stimulate holistic growth, encouraging curiosity and broadening boundaries.

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