Ammonite Necklace

Ammonite Necklace

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On silk rope.

Ammonite History

One of the most widely known fossils, ammonites are eoliths of now-extinct marine mollusks called ammonoids. Due to the sheer number of ammonoids before they became extinct 65 million years ago, there are quite the abundance of fossils found today. The name ammonite comes from the god Ammon, who had spiral ram horns and was originally an Ethiopian or Libyan deity that later was worshipped all over Egypt and parts of Greece.

Ammonite Metaphysical Properties

It's no surprise that ammonites, with their spiral shape, are symbols of change and positive motion. The spiral draws in negative energy, filtering it through the chambers and releasing fresh, positive energy. Due to this connection with energy, ammonites have been used for activating Kundalini--the concept in Dharma that refers to primal energy (called shakti) --which coils at the base of the spine and is a source of life force or energy. Ammonites are associated with ancient knowledge, which makes sense considering how long these fossils have been around.

Ammonites are primarily associated with the third eye chakra, with a secondary in the root chakra. Though ammonite is not a birthstone, it has come to relate to the zodiac signs of Aquarius and Cancer. Ammonite fossils are believed to help with ailments like blood pressure and degenerative disorders, such as those affecting the ears and lungs.

Ammonite Geological Properties

Ammonite fossils have been found on every continent, in all sorts of sizes and in lots of colors, though the most common naturally occurring colors for these fossils are brown and grey. Ammonite fossils form when ammonoids died and their shells became embedded in sand or silt. The shell was protected from damage over time due to the forming layers. As the layers formed and created pressure on the shell, mineral-rich water would seep into the chambers and eventually crystallize into the rock-like fossil we find today. Ammonite can sometimes end up with a rainbow-like sheen on the surface, opalized or pyritized.

Mineral Information       Calcium carbonate + impurities

Chemical Composition   CaCO3

Color     Brown, grey, rarely other colors

Hardness             3-1/2 to 4 (Mohs)

Specific Gravity 2.7

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